17 August 2010

How to Eat: Small Changes, big difference

Okay, so I love food as much as the next person and I believe it’s one of life’s true pleasures.  But when I tipped the scales at X, I realized my enthusiasm for food had gone a little too far and my days as a couch potato were numbered...

...   Exercise alone wasn’t enough – I soon realized that it was no good pounding the streets and hitting the weights whilst munching on pizzas and burgers...So I made a few SIMPLE changes to my diet, which have helped me to lose over 3 stone!

Keep reading for my TOP TIPS to losing weight alongside your exercise regime – it’s EASIER than you may think!

STOP eating processed food, any microwave/oven or premade meals. These have such high levels of salt, fats and calories and don’t give your body any nutritionally value.
Instead buy fresh meats, vegetables, salads and fruit and start making your own meals – this way you know exactly what you are eating – Yes, it’s more work, but the benefits are huge and improving the quality of the food you’re eating is a great habit to get into.

CUT OUT the deep or shallow frying and instead you can use the oven to grill. If you do fry use a griddle which allows all the fat drip out and away from the food. An oil spray can also cut down the amount of oil you’re using whilst cooking. And don’t forget that steaming is a fantastic way to cook and will keep all the goodness in the vegetables instead of boiling them to death!

TIP  3
I love salads - I’ve started to make a large salad when cooking my evening meal, then putting it in a container and taking it with me to work the next day. Also, remember to take different toppings with you, maybe some leftover chicken from the night before or a tin of Tuna. Salad is hugely versatile and you can do many things with it, don’t let it get boring.

Cut out sugary drinks. Check on the side of a can of ‘Coke’ for its nutritional value and you’ll be amazed at the amount of sugar in there. Start drinking water, it will hydrate you and help clean out toxins from your system.

With these few changes in your diet and CONTINUED EXERCISE you should be able to see a difference in your weight over the next few weeks!!

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