15 February 2011

Forget January... You can start NOW!!…

January is over! All those promises of exercise and diet have gone out of the window. Not to worry, I have a few tips for you on how to get outside, get the heart pumping, get the blood flowing and fat burning.

Running is the easiest, simplest and cheapest form of exercise. All you need are some shorts and trainers and boom you’re gone! If you haven’t really run to get fit before or you are just a bit unsure of how to go about it let me tell you....

If you are running with the aim of reducing your body fat, then you want to run at an easy pace for 30 minutes minimum. A good way to judge your pace is by your breathing. If you are out of breath you are running too hard. You want to be able to keep a conversation, which is why running with a pal is such a great idea. It’s also a great motivator to get you out of the door, as you won’t want to let your running partner down.

A great challenge to increase your fitness quickly is the 30:30:30 challenge. Which is 30 runs, of 30 minutes in 30 days. It is better to increase the amount of runs you do per week rather than doing fewer longer runs. You might want to try this challenge after a few months of running if you are a beginner and build your way to it. This challenge really boosts your fitness.

If you don’t want to run, then you can join a class. Signing up to a class makes you commit to it and is a great place to start. If you are worried about training with other people because you are maybe overweight or unfit, well it’s more than likely they are thinking the same thing. There’s a camaraderie and bond that can be made between strangers, all it takes is a glance and a smile from someone to help you get through that last few reps.

I have a range of class you can choose from here at Titan. You can start with the hugely popular Pilates which you can read more about on last week’s blog. You have Circuit Training which is getting ever more popular. (I wrote a blog about this a while back.) My newest venture is Military Fitness in St James Park on Tuesday (12:30) and Thursday (1pm) lunch times, come rain or shine I will be there. Its great fun and it is filling quick.

I will be writing a newsletter to fill you in with all things that are new with Titan and me. If you want to sign up please just email me and let me know.

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